You’ve set the date, picked a theme, and even scheduled event catering, now you just need to get the word out and keep your guest list excited. In the digital age we live in, the rational thought is to connect with your guests through social media, which is broad enough to get you exactly nowhere. If you’re struggling with how to engage and invigorate your event digitally, here are our must-have tips:
How To Generate Event Buzz On Social Media
How To Generate Event Buzz On Social Media
Our Social Media Event Leveraging Tips
Pick A Channel
It’s easy to get lost in the world of social media. There are a lot of choices, options, and room to really fall down the rabbit hole. Often, it is best to keep it simple and go to where your audience is. If you believe your core group is primarily on Facebook, don’t invest your time into eclectic, little used social media platforms; likewise, if you know that a specific social media engine will work well for most, then absolutely take advantage of it. Things like Next Door can be great for organizing a neighborhood affair, but may only reach some of the population; furthermore, even if a person connects with you on an exclusive social media option, you’ll want to have a more widely accessible option for them to share with their plus ones or other potential attendees.
Rally the Troops
If you’re using a channel that involves a hashtag system (which is just about all of them anymore), then be sure to create a specific, exclusive hashtag for attendees to use. Even something as simple as #ImaginaryCompanyHolidayParty2016 can serve the purpose (of course, shorter and more likeable is better).
Make A Page
Whether your page is free or there is an entire website dedicated to your event, having an event page people can like, subscribe to, follow along with, and ultimately engage with for party updates can really take your digital hype to the next level. Having a Facebook group (or the like) is great because it’s free, easy to update, and immediately delivers information to a wide base of party attendees.
Follow Party Rules
Consider the months, weeks, and days leading to your event as a sample of the party itself; for instance, don’t release all of the information at once. Leave breadcrumbs for your audience to follow, serve them information hors d’oeuvres and build up to your information entree as the event date approaches. If you think of the structure of a good party as a guideline, your social media strategy will be easy, or you could just follow these easy engagement steps:
- Create an atmosphere – You want your guests to intermingle, just as they will at the event, well before it begins. Make thought-provoking posts that create buzz, encourage feedback, and generate conversation.
- Keep them engaged – During your event, you’ll want to spread out the festivities to keep guests from checking their watches and leaving early; the same is true for your pre-party hype period. By regularly releasing information, you build momentum for your event to be seen as a success before it even begins.
- Don’t smother – The worst thing any host can do is hover too much. Just like at your event, you can’t force engagement. Think of what will get people excited, do exactly that, and let people share and get excited on their own. Basically, learn to leave it alone!
Get Seriously Great Food
Nothing inspires record turnout like exceptionally catered food. Many guests will forgive just about any event day blunders if the food is good, and the professional staff at Thomas’ »Æ¹ÏTV have the menu and experience to produce a truly memorable menu for your event.
Contact us today to learn more about our Livonia event catering!